514vX7Kqw+L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgI did an interview with my friend and fellow author L.S. Engler back in October, and one of the topics that came up was the second volume of her forthcoming anthology the World Unknown Review.  I was lucky enough to have a story published in both volumes; my short story Nanos Khund and the Traveler, which has never appeared anywhere else, is in Volume II.

Well, Volume II is out— the Kindle version, anyway, and unless I miss my bet by the end of the day the print edition will be linked to the same page.  There are nine stories and a novella in there, across all sorts of genres, and, again, one of ’em is mine.

The ebook is only 99 cents, which ain’t much at all, and I believe the print version is going to retail for under $10.  I say you check it out.

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