514vX7Kqw+L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgI did an interview with my friend and fellow author L.S. Engler back in October, and one of the topics that came up was the second volume of her forthcoming anthology the World Unknown Review.  I was lucky enough to have a story published in both volumes; my short story Nanos Khund and the Traveler, which has never appeared anywhere else, is in Volume II.

Well, Volume II is out— the Kindle version, anyway, and unless I miss my bet by the end of the day the print edition will be linked to the same page.  There are nine stories and a novella in there, across all sorts of genres, and, again, one of ’em is mine.

The ebook is only 99 cents, which ain’t much at all, and I believe the print version is going to retail for under $10.  I say you check it out.


IMG_2180I had actually forgotten that these were coming: my copies of the 2014 World Unknown Review showed up yesterday!  And my name’s right there on the back in words and everything!  There’s a story in this!  By me!

Exclamation points!

I’m not finished with the collection yet but the stories I’ve read are all solid.  You ought to check the collection out just because I’m published in it, but hopefully me plus all these other interesting people are all the incentive you need.

The World Unknown Review is available digitally for 99 cents and in print for $7.36.

REBLOG: World Unknown Review is Here!

I’m published in this! I just ordered it for my Kindle! Go check it out!

L.S. Engler

The announcement I’ve been chomping at the bit to make is finally here! I might be pushing it out the door a little early (KDP is giving me weird cover issues and the physical book isn’t yet available on Amazon), but I just can’t wait any longer. World Unknown Review is finally here!

World Unknown Review has been an exciting project for me, one I hope to duplicate every year to help put more voices out there in the popular format of our times, independent publishing via Amazon. This first volume brings a lot of really great stories, in a wide variety of genres, from memoir to romance, science fiction and fantasy, adventure and literary. Some of these authors have a hefty list of accomplishments under their belts, some of them have never been published before. There’s a little bit of something for everyone, and, hopefully, everything for someone.


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REBLOG: World Unknown Review 2014 Authors!

I am one of these people! Super excited about this coming out.

L.S. Engler

Now that we’re into December and I’m trying to wrestle with some formatting with the hopes of releasing the debut edition of World Unknown Review to the masses, I thought it was high time I made an official announcement revealing the authors you’ll find inside this eclectic volume of excellent fiction. I can only express the utmost thanks and praise to these eleven fantastic writers who took a chance on a fledgling publication; I’m incredibly honored to put them all together in what I hope is the start of a beautiful and exciting new tradition. It also blows my mind that I’m actually getting the chance to be the first person to publish a lot of these stories, the first stories to be “professionally” published for many of these writers. True, I had to send out just as many rejection letters as acceptances, which was a bit of a surprise…

View original post 242 more words

Announcements! Cool announcements!

skylightscover02FIRST:  In what, surprisingly, counts as my first actual sale as a writer outside of self-publishing, my short story “Culaqan” is being published in December by the brand new literary anthology known as the 2014 World Unknown Review, edited by blogbuddy L.S. Engler.  The story has been on the site for a bit, so some of you may have read it before, but I’ve pulled it until some time after the anthology comes out.  If you’re interested, though, the very short stories “Crossroads” and “Confession” are set in the same universe.  Sort of.  I think.

I’m super excited about this, and expect to hear more about it as more details about the anthology are released and we get closer to release date, which I believe will be sometime in December.

bacover3dSECOND:  Just because I don’t plan on shopping on Black Friday doesn’t mean I’m not going to encourage other people to do so.  Both of my books are going to go on sale sometime late Wednesday night and will stay on sale at least through Friday night, and possibly for the entire weekend depending on how things go. Because of the way the different online retailers work, the sales are going to be slightly different depending on where you like to get your books from:

At Amazon:

At Smashwords:

  • The Benevolence Archives, Vol. 1 will remain free, because it’s free now (like literally right now.  You can click on that link and go download it, in a wide variety of ebook formats, right now.)
  • Skylights will be, and I’m really interested in seeing how this goes, set-your-own pricing.  Which means that you can have it for a penny if you want (and I think they’ll let you have it for free) or if you’ve been reading me for a long time and you have way more money than you know what to do with you can pay a thousand dollars for it.  Consider it a Christmas present for your favorite blogger.  Or just pay a penny.  I’m good either way, so long as some more folks read the damn thing.

Main thing?  Amazon won’t let me make stuff free if I’m not a member of Kindle Select, which I’ve opted out of, so I’ve got to set it at $0.99.  I’ve tried to price-match Benevolence Archives with Smashwords half a dozen times and it doesn’t work.  Do keep in mind that you can get Kindle editions of everything through Smashwords, as well as versions for any other ebook reader, but you may have to do some sort of rigamarole to get your file onto your device since it won’t do it for you.

Where should you get your books from?  Wherever you want, although I’ll admit I’m really curious about what will happen with the choose-your-own-adventure pricing at Smashwords.  Skylights hasn’t sold terribly well, even compared to the watermark Benevolence Archives has set, and it’ll be interesting to see what happens with it.

Expect the volume of promotional stuff to increase a bit around here through the weekend, of course.  I’ll try and find some other way to be entertaining along the way, though.