In which the future is subtle

original(I pulled the sale post off of the front page because I’m tired of looking at it; the sale is still good at least through the end of the day and I might extend it through Monday if I make some sales today.  Yesterday went well; expect a roundup early next week for those of you who enjoy data posts.  Buy my booooooooks!)

I Tweeted about this yesterday, but Twitter is by nature kind of ephemeral and those posts are already off the front page, and also I’m inexplicably wide awake at 7:20 AM on my last day of Thanksgiving break, so I might as well write about something— I had two outbursts of The Future yesterday that struck me as interesting enough to write about.

Outbreak the First:  I am about to take a shower, but have a couple of random computer tasks that need doing on a desktop first.  I leave my phone on a bookshelf in the living room and go into my office to use the computer.  My mother calls.

My watch lets me know my phone is ringing.  My phone’s on silent.  I don’t hear it and neither does anyone else.  The phone’s a good fifty feet away and behind a couple of walls.

I proceed to answer the phone with my computer and have a conversation with my mother about having lunch today.  She appears to have no idea that anything is odd about the conversation.

I got my first cell phone fifteen years ago; prior to that, I’d always been tethered to land lines.  Now I don’t even need the phone with me.   That’s awesome.

Outbreak the Second:  We made the kieflies (I really need to find out how to spell that) at my in-laws’ place yesterday.  Or at least we put them together there; the recipe requires about 24 hours for the dough to chill before you can fill and fold them.  My mother-in-law and I were mostly doing the filling while my father-in-law and my wife alternately put things in the oven and monitored the boy.

At one point we had to explain to him that Grandma and Grandpa’s TV didn’t work like Mommy and Daddy’s does, because they don’t get to decide when to watch things.  See, we’re cord-cutters and we watch everything through Netflix, Hulu or iTunes on our Apple TV.  My parents have a DVR and have filled it with an assortment of kids’ programming that he likes.

Her parents, on the other hand, have the same kind of TV that everyone did prior to, oh, seven or eight years ago:  you get the TV that is being piped into your house at the time it’s being piped in and that’s all the TV you get.  And the boy just did not get it.  He wanted his Mickey Mouse show or the Winnie the Pooh movie he’s been into lately and just absolutely did not comprehend why the TV in front of him couldn’t produce it on demand.

Which, when you think about it, is awesome.  I like TV a lot more now that I don’t have to wrap my life around its schedule, y’know?  And he’s young enough that he has no idea that that ever happened.

The Future!


A word that, I discover, I have no idea how to spell. But I’m makin’ ’em.



WALKING DEAD: CROSSED recap now live

…head yerself on over to Sourcerer and check it out!

oh god the internet just broke me


SKYLIGHTS gets a well-timed new #review

…and once again, I’m finding that my four-star reviewers tend to seem like they liked the book more than my five-star reviews.  Have I mentioned Skylights is on sale?  Check out the review and the book here.

Well, here you go, I guess…

I’m trying my hardest to not be one of Those Guys, because I hated Those Guys during the prequel era and it’s their fault that I’m not really much of a Star Wars fan anymore, but this is all wrong.  Well, half of it is. The very first shot throws the tone all off, the shakycam sucks, and just like every other nerd on the internet I cannot believe that stupid fire-lightsaber made it past the review board.

(Everybody’s bitching about the crossguards.  Can we talk about the fact that they’ve apparently changed the look of the lightsabers altogether?  And that that’s not okay?)

I really wanted this post to be all rapturous and shit.  I’ve been trying to look forward to this.  This isn’t Star Wars; it’s just a movie.  Oh well.

What I’ve been doing the last couple of days

IMG_2079Lots of schools do food drives this time of year, generally trading a canned food item for some sort of prize, like a dress down day or a homework pass or something like that.  My school is no exception.  The difference is that my school turns around and gives that donated food right back to our own families rather than donating it to a food bank.  We pulled together 54 boxes of donated items in all; I h ave no idea how many items in total but you can get a sense of how many from the picture.  A couple of our employees spent a couple of days sorting everything out and trying to make sure that what was in each of the boxes was roughly equivalent, and on Tuesday a few of us drove to a meat market in Buchanan, Michigan and bought 54 turkeys, one for each of the boxes.

I spent most of yesterday with our librarian, out distributing packages to our families.  We went out in pairs, most teams going to 10 or 12 houses.  The librarian and I had a double run and hit 21.

It was… sobering.  I’ve lived in this town for most of my life and taught in its public schools for the last eight years, and I’ve always known that there were pockets of severe poverty throughout the town– hell, I’ve talked about the effects poverty has on our kids any number of times in any number of venues.  But this was the first time where my job for a day was literally to drive around and find out where my kids live.  Our principal, at one of his houses, was greeted at the door by a man with a  gun in his hand.  The librarian and I didn’t have that, but we did have one house that we didn’t leave food at on account of the place looked like it had been abandoned for years, only to get back to school and discover that, yes, that was the right address and more than one of our students still live there.

I can’t properly describe how bad this place was.  Suffice it to say that my job today was to drive around and deliver donated food to families who are poor enough that they need such assistance.  These people, as you might expect, don’t exactly live in beautiful, well-maintained homes.  Nonetheless, the rest of the houses were mansions compared to this one. There is no way they have electricity or heat.  They didn’t have knobs on the doors, for God’s sake.  The front door was held shut by a padlock.  The librarian looked in a window and said that the place was full of trash.  I got back to school too late to do anything about it, but I’ll be calling DCFS on Monday.  I have to.

Across the street was what looked like a $300,000 house.  Literally exactly across the street.

We got back to school in time to discover that three of our kids were being removed from their father’s home, also by DCFS.  It is absolutely the best decision for everyone involved.

Be thankful for what you have, folks.

Luther Siler Thanksgiving Weekend Sale: LIVE!

(NOTE:  I’m leaving this pinned to the top of the page during the sale.  Scroll down a touch for new posts.)

Starting NOW RIGHT NOW and going until I get bored with it, the following AMAZING DEALS are available to you:

At Amazon:

At Smashwords:

  • The Benevolence Archives, Vol. 1 is… free.  Still.  And you should really be getting it from Smashwords and not from Amazon, unless you really really want to send me money or you’re not sure how to load files onto your Kindle.  You can download the Kindle version of the file from Smashwords, remember.
  • Skylights has set-your-own pricing.  Which means that you can have it for a penny if you want.  You can have it for nothing if you want.  Or if you’ve been reading me for a long time and you have way more money than you know what to do with you can pay a thousand dollars for it.  I will cheerfully take any percentage of All Your Money, from 0 to 100.  It’s up to you!

I have a brief Thanksgiving post that is planned but not yet written; other than that and a reminder or two of the sale, expect tomorrow to be quiet.  Enjoy your holiday, folks.