Happy Halloween!

I’m not dead. Just taking a bit of a break.

In which I express frustration in a calm and reasonable fashion

UnknownFuck Facebook.

I killed my Clark Kent personal account over there several months ago and haven’t missed it, and I keep side-eyeing Luther Siler’s account and in particular Luther Siler’s page, which has 245 Likes at the moment.  I don’t really do anything with the page other than use it as a reblogger for posts, and I discovered to my extreme displeasure over the weekend that that hasn’t been actually happening for several months now.  There are no relevant Help documents on either WordPress or Facebook that are actually useful; I found some dark mutterings on the WP site about how Facebook won’t allow auto-publication to a profile any longer, only a page, but the page is what I’ve been trying to post to and what every visible indicator tells me I have been posting to.

Except, no.

My big knock against dumping Facebook lately has been not wanting to lose the traffic.  Apparently I’m not actually losing any, though, since I’m not posting anything over there and therefore any clickthroughs that are happening are not happening from my posts.  The new problem is the number of conventions and events who seem to organize most of everything through FB.  It would be nice to be able to still keep an eye on those things, y’know?  I hate the site and I’ve literally hated it since the first time I ever heard about it, but I think I’m still stuck with it and its shitty design and its shitty everything.

It would be nice if the shit just worked at least a little bit like it’s supposed to.

SPIDER-MAN PS4: Final verdict


I am, in general, very skeptical of “give it a chance, it gets good later on” types of arguments for anything I had to spend $60 to get.  For $60 you need to be fun in five minutes and you need to stay fun for however long your game ends up being, and I’d rather have a lean, entertaining 30-hour game than a 100-hour game filled with … well, filler.

I’m nonetheless very, very glad I stuck this one out– I just beat it half an hour or so ago, although I’ve left a number of the mop-up tasks for later.  I may or may not get back to them.

But: forget the game for a moment.  Spider-Man PS4 is one of the best Spider-Man stories I have ever encountered, in any medium.  Comics, movies, whatever.  And even that, as I said in the piece from earlier today, takes a good long time to get rolling.  But once it does … wow.  I was in tears during the final act.  I’m not gonna bullshit around.  I’m a grown-ass man and a video game just made me cry because the story was that good and they get this character that thoroughly.  Fucking tears.

And then, the three movie-style stingers after the credits?

*kisses fingers*

Can’t wait for the sequel.  And if they put the same people in charge of writing it, I’m not gonna have shit to say about the gameplay.   Because with a story this good, I’ll chase fucking pigeons all day if I have to.

In which I’m still going on about this


Yeah, I know.  Another Spider-Man post.  Lucky for you, this website’s free.

I’ve quit playing this game forever at least three times now.  There are still a number of things about it that are enormously goddamned annoying, most of them related to the endless number of side tasks they put all over Manhattan for you to do.  Yes, I know I can ignore these things, but they’ve actually done a really good job of incentivizing hitting every stupid little glowy mark on the map and I’m enough of a completist that I have trouble ignoring shit like this even in games without good incentive systems.  I’ve got this game firmly slotted in Witcher 3 territory, another game I quit playing a whole bunch of times, where the shit that annoys me is just never going to stop being annoying and I need to focus on the stuff I like.

… which, holy shit, when this game is firing on all cylinders it is ridiculous.  And I got to a point last night where something happened that I absolutely wasn’t expecting to happen at all: the game surprised me.  Like, a lot.  At about the 70% mark.

That’s not a thing that happens very often.

It’s difficult to balance an open-world game properly, right?  These things must be utter hell to code.  You want your game to have some sort of main storyline, usually expressed with some sort of discrete mission structure, but you also want your players to explore, so you sprinkle a few dozen enemy bases and a few dozen side missions and a bunch of  things that you’ve scattered 40 of around the map for people to find and stuff like that.  This game has a mission where, no shit, you’re supposed to find and recapture a dozen pigeons for some random guy.  These pigeons fly at the speed of a military jet for some reason.  You gotta catch ’em all.

But the thing is, your “main story” missions have to be compelling enough that they get done, but not so compelling that players ignore all the other stuff that you want them to do.  You want them to be able to take a couple of hours and go hunt for backpacks or glowy orbs or whatever it is that you’ve scattered fifty of all over the place.  This will break immersion if your main missions have a ton of immediacy to them.

And up until the beginning of Act 3, I’d say Spider-Man wasn’t doing a bad job of straddling that line.  Do a mission, go find some backpacks, do a mission, clear out a couple of bad guy hideouts, do a mission, find some pigeons, take some pictures of New York landmarks, move on.

And then Act 3 hits, and the criminals at Riker’s Island all break out, and the criminals at the Raft, the nearby superpowered prison, all break out, and all the sudden Electro, Mr. Negative, the Rhino, the Vulture, the Scorpion and Doctor Octopus are all beating the shit out of you at the same time– not that it actually affects gameplay, but Spider-Man mentions fourteen broken bones the morning after escaping the beating– the whole fucking city is on fire and Doc Ock releases a massively contagious bioengineered virus that you quickly find out has already infected half a million people by the time the first mission properly ends.

Also, two of the six supervillains up there spend a big chunk of the game being mentors to Peter Parker, so there’s all kinds of personal angst wrapped up in suddenly discovering they’re evil.

Shit gets really darkreally quick, is what I’m saying, and all the sudden the idea that you’d stop doing missions to catch pigeons stops feeling like a fun diversion and more like criminal negligence.

I had to force myself to quit playing and go to bed last night, and I went several missions in a row back-to-back-to-back just because the conditions the game set up made it impossible for me to believe doing anything else was remotely reasonable.  Like, I hope shit goes back to normal soon, because there’s still a couple of pigeons out there that need catching.

(I hate catching pigeons.  But I’m going to do it anyway.)

Also, while I’d prefer to have a powered Miles Morales in the game, every single scene between him and Peter has been absolute gold.  This game gets Miles really, really well.  I want the sequel to star the kid.

Red Dead Redemption 2 came out on Friday.  The first RDR is one of my favorite games ever.  Reading between the lines of some of the early press, I’m worried that the sequel isn’t going to work for me. Part of the reason I’ve been playing Spider-Man so much this week is that I want it off my plate so I can play RDR2.  It would be deeply upsetting if I didn’t like this game, especially if I’m following my usual “I don’t like playing this game, and the whole rest of the world loves it” thing that I’ve been so good at for the past few years.

I will, of course, keep y’all posted, since it’s not like I talk about anything other than my PlayStation around here anymore.

I am angry at everyone and everything

and I’m going to punch some bad guys, hug at least one of my cats and go to bed early.


In which I am charmingly incompetent

mblile-72dpi-1500x2000First, an oops moment: my book Balremesh and other stories has been free on Amazon since this morning, and will continue to be free until sometime late Monday night, and I, dedicated to my career as I am, completely forgot to mention it to anyone until just now.  So, uh, there’s some cool stuff in there?  And you should probably go snap it up, and then tell everyone you know to also go download it.  I haven’t had a free giveaway in a while, so I’m sure you’ve made some new friends since then, right?

I am absurdly tired right now.  It has not actually been a bad week by any objective standard; I’ve been busy, like I always am, but not to the point where I should be getting home at 4:45 seriously considering going straight to bed without dinner, which is what happened tonight.  Of course, it’s 8:00 right now, because I had to spend a couple of hours working on a training I’m doing tomorrow (which I’ve known about for weeks and haven’t managed to have ready yet) and now I’m blogging and if I get really nuts it’s possible that I’ll finally get a Goodreads page up for Click tonight.

(There is no chance of that happening.)

I dunno, maybe I’ve got a low-grade flu or something.  I had a flu shot, and I’m in Mainline Vitamin C All the Goddamn Time mode since it’s fall, but stuff sneaks through, y’know?  But man, the last time I was this tired all the time was back when I was going on brain drugs for the first time.  And I swear I am on no unorthodox medication of any kind at the moment.  I’m just begging for sweet oblivion.

By which I mean sleep, of course, not death.

Anyway, like I said, go grab a free book.



I said something about how I’d never gotten a sticker before so THEY GAVE ME EXTRA and I’m totally wearing one for each of the next three days.

In which I have plans

UnknownI’m gonna vote tomorrow.

I will be voting a straight Democratic ticket, with the exception of my local Congressional race, which does not feature a Democrat to vote for.  I will instead be writing in Pat Hackett, who I voted for in the primary.

I will be voting for Oletha Jones over Stan Wruble for School Board.  I have nothing in particular against Mr. Wruble but my preference is to not vote for white men when I have an alternative, and in this case I do.

I will be voting no on Public Question #1, which doesn’t actually literally read “Is it OK if Republicans deliberately force a budget crisis and then steal the pensions of Indiana’s public servants in order to fix the problem they created?” but may as well.  I very strongly recommend every Hoosier vote against this fucking nonsense.

I have no plans to vote for or against any judges.  I honestly don’t have time for this shit and, more importantly, I lack any relevant expertise and therefore I’m not qualified to make decisions here.  I did some brief research on each of the judges up for retention votes (which are always successful; they never lose these things) and found no giant blinking red lights so I will ignore these questions as usual.

I will, once again, almost certainly not be receiving a sticker.