Tomorrow, I swear

Been sitting on the couch reading and the time got away from me. Any big plans this weekend?

Taking tonight off

If there was ever a night where the best thing to do was sit on the couch and scroll endlessly, this was that night. I’m going to grab a book but reading may require just a bit too much from my brain tonight.

I got nothing tonight

Please don’t look directly at the sun tomorrow.

If nothing else…

Today has proven that it is impossible to die of boredom.

I hate it here

Somebody give me some good news. About literally anything.

No, thank you

Brutal heat in my classroom again today and I have nothing left right now. Don’t be surprised if I take tomorrow off. On the plus side, my next post might be about reviewing pants.


I am In a Mood tonight, and not especially fit for human company.

Feel free to talk amongst yourselves.

No thank you

We got our taxes done today, mostly, and the bad news that we’ve been anticipating for a while didn’t really materialize. We appear, for the first time in a few years, to actually have done this correctly, where you’re not giving the government a big loan over the course of the year, so you don’t get a big refund, but also paying enough that we don’t have to pay.

Paying the correct amount of taxes, in other words. So that’s good. I broke the spray nozzle on our sink and we managed to get that replaced without comedy or drama ensuing. And … well, that’s been Saturday, and somehow it’s almost 7:00 already, and frankly I’m ready for bed. I had a PD earlier in the week that I really want to complain about but I don’t have the energy right now. Maybe I will tomorrow. Who knows. 

How’re you?