
Anybody else feel like WordPress isn’t counting traffic properly tonight?  Since I put my last post up my likes and comments have been outweighing my page views by something like ten to one, which isn’t actually possible.

14 thoughts on “Hmm.

    1. They’re never going to line up perfectly, since you can scroll through the front page and Like a whole bunch of posts for, technically, only one page view, but I’ve literally had more different PEOPLE like posts than I’ve had page views tonight– I’m off by a couple hundred from my usual numbers. That suggests an outage of some kind to me, and not just a slow night. Also, the little bar graph at the top of the screen keeps reconfiguring itself and isn’t staying consistent. Something’s definitely up.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I have a self-hosted blog with stats enabled and I also have Google Analytics and the WordPress stats are way off. They were working fine yesterday though, odd.


  2. NotAPunkRocker

    Anyone else having a sudden surge in spam comments? I woke up with 50 that came in overnight. I don’t normally get that in a month or two!


    1. I’m not surprised people using the reader wouldn’t show up on statistics — I admit I will scroll down the reader and look at the paragraph or two before the page cut and not necessarily read the article, but the ‘like’ button is there and active. (I don’t click it if I haven’t actually read the whole post, but, I can imagine a world in which people choose to act differently.)

      I’m surprised the numbers might get wildly out of synch, though.


  3. I had 58 spam messages as of just now. I don’t remember when the last time I checked was, but that number doesn’t seem unduly high. I also have about 440 hits yesterday, and I doubt I got 320 page views in between my last comment on this page just after 10 PM and midnight, so whatever happened seems to have fixed itself. That said, I’m still way low on visitors yesterday, especially for that many page views, but the discrepancy is probably at least partially from me tooling around on Firefox (which I’m not logged in on) trying to figure out what was going on.


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