Pivoting to video

This conversation has been all the rage on TikTok recently, and I figure I just went to the trouble to record a long video, so why bother retyping everything? Enjoy:

Music post!

I’ve done several things today, but other than hanging a picture on the wall that I’ve been meaning to get up for a long time I don’t know that any of the things I’ve done are going to be anything anyone else living in this house is going to notice. At any rate, not much to say today, so I’m passing on a great cover of Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car that someone recommended to me on Mastodon. It’s great, you’ll love it:

Okay, I can do this

I have a day of professional development on Wednesday, so this is how the next couple of weeks are going to go:

  • Two days of work, one of which was today and is therefore done
  • A day at home on Zoom, away from children
  • Two days of work; the second day is payday
  • A weekend
  • Three days of work, one of which is the PSAT and then “Shut up, leave me alone, and finish your missing work”
  • A teacher record day
  • Our four-day Fall Break

That should be manageable, right? I make it through tomorrow and, no matter what happens tomorrow, I don’t have to see any of the kids on Wednesday– not the ones I like or the ones I don’t. Sure.

In other news, I spent the day being smug about having nuked my presence on Facebook while everyone else freaked out about the outage, and … well, everything else is misery and despair, mostly.

Okay, maybe not everything. I like this video game a lot, and it looks like a Pixar movie, so you should go watch me play it:

That’s what I’ve got. Gonna go curl up with a cat and a book.

Little Nightmares II Let’s Play Pt. 3

I promise I’m not going to get into the habit of doing this a lot, but I figure early on it can’t hurt: we’re up to Day 3 of our Little Nightmares II playthrough, with new episodes being posted at noon EST daily until I’ve beaten the game. You can subscribe to the channel here, and really, you should go do that even if you don’t use YouTube. In fact, especially if you don’t use YouTube, because then my silly vidya gaemz videos won’t even annoy you.

More later, by which I mean “I’m going to start writing the post now, so this isn’t a bluff.”

I’ll write it, and we’ll do it live

It’s still processing at this exact second, so there might be a touch of nonsense for a little while, but this is the first thing I’ve done that I think is at least mostly Ready For Prime Time. So feel free to give it a watch and see what you think. The plan is to do a half-hour or so pre-recorded video each day until I’ve beaten the game.

Sunday night music break

I’ve got nothing in particular to talk about tonight, and this song’s been running through my head all day, so take a few minutes and chill.

Mark Oshiro reads THE SIGIL

…and, with this video, completes The Benevolence Archives, Vol. 1. Holy cow, this has been fun. I’ve got to send this guy a copy of The Sanctum of the Sphere.

In which I apologize in advance

It’s happening again, somehow– my first viral video on TikTok is now up to 3.7 million views and really hasn’t slowed down all that much, and I woke up this morning to discover that one I posted last night had amassed 130K views overnight and has tacked on another hundred thousand in the 10 hours I’ve been awake.. The first video got me from around 50 to just under a thousand followers; this one has taken me from 900+ to 2100 in less than a day.

I am apparently at least a little good at this.

I still have over five times the following on Twitter that I have on the TT account, but TikTok gets massively more engagement than Twitter does. It’s kind of shocking how much of a difference there is given that TT doesn’t have any sort of “retweet” type of function.

(I know I’m still kind of being a dick by not posting my address on here, for those of you who care. It’s because it’s under my real name, and I’m still trying to avoid crossing the streams, so to speak. If you’re curious, email me or drop a comment and I’ll let you know individually.)

I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be somebody who gets this kind of engagement on every single post. I was just starting to break away from constantly checking my notifications inside the app like a rat in a Skinner box looking for a heroin fix, and now it’s started all over again. I assume that once it starts happening all the time you get over it, but it’s nuts how constant the new notifications are. There have been sixteen while I’ve been writing this, for example, and I write fast, and they’ve started to slow down because everything always slows down around this time of day. If this behaves like the other one, in an hour or so I will be able to clear my notifications, then reload and immediately have new ones, and I’ll be able to do that constantly. It’s nuts.

Still looking for a way to monetize this. At some point in the last 24 hours they decided I was important enough to unlock live-streaming on the app, which is terrifying and I’m not going to do it. If I get another 98,000 followers I can join the Creator Fund, but I gotta figure that’s still a ways off, right?


Yes. Definitely.