Tonight’s rabbit hole…

… is speakers.

The new computer has shipped, and will be here by next Friday if not sooner; the estimates keep moving up, which is perfectly fine by me. I realized today, though, that while I don’t have a monitor problem (I can struggle by with two monitors after the old computer goes away; I’ll be fine) I do have a sound problem. The audio on my iMac is actually quite nice, when the fucking app isn’t crashing at least, so I don’t have any external speakers set up because I’ve never really needed them. The audio on my two (currently) supplementary monitors, though, is garbage, and given that there is music playing approximately 90% of the time I’m using the computer, that’s not gonna work. So that’s another X bucks, where “X” represents … well, I’m still trying to figure that out, because trying to figure out speakers when you can’t listen to them is bloody annoying. People are picky about sound, and their ideas don’t always align with one another, y’know?

(Part of the problem: achieving “better than the monitors” is cheap if that’s all I’m shooting for, and that’s what I should shoot for if I want to eventually put a new third monitor back into the setup. But if I’m sticking with the two I have, I should buy good speakers, which will be more expensive, but how much? and arrrrrgh.)

First world problems, I know, but I’d rather obsess about this than the carnage that was my math finals today.