Today’s highlights

  • sleepThe boy starting to scream literally the second I got him out of his crib and barely stopping at all until I dropped him off at daycare, at which point he didn’t want me to leave;
  • Because of said tantrumspalooza, being twenty minutes late to work (also had to drop off the wife) despite getting up earlier in anticipation of everything taking longer;
  • Riding the elevator from the wife’s office down to the wrong floor in the parking garage and being briefly, massively confused about where my car had teleported to;
  • First and second hour actually went OK.  Don’t tell anybody, but third and fourth hour is slowly becoming my trouble class.
  • Writing up a thirteen-year-old girl in fourth hour for drawing a reasonably realistic erect penis on a carefully-folded piece of paper and deepthroating it in front of several other kids in that room;
  • Finding out that I’m getting a new kid in said third and fourth hour class on Monday.  He was first referred for psychiatric treatment for his issues with violence when he was… wait for it… three and a half years old.  Oh, joy.
  • Numerous hurried investigations of various instances of massive bus drama during seventh hour;
  • Realizing that I totally forgot about a really important meeting with my assistant principal yesterday, and furthermore hadn’t done a couple of things I was supposed to have done for said meeting;
  • ANOTHER Friday afternoon PAT meeting that was supposed to end at four and I got up and walked out of at 4:30; remind me to never do this again;
  • Being delayed to a rather ridiculous extent in picking the boy up at day care;
  • The first 2/3 of bath time being another crabby toddler cage fight, and once that was done getting to have another fight with him about getting out of the tub after that last, pleasant 1/3;
  • Just now realizing that the two quesadillas I made myself for dinner are seriously not going to be enough and have I mentioned how quickly I can transition from not hungry at all to ragey, weak and trembling since I had my gallbladder out?  Because that is happening right now.
  • Which means that this is very likely all the posting you’re getting today.

4 thoughts on “Today’s highlights

  1. winterbayne

    Highlights from my week involve wardrobe malfunctions.
    I was two steps away from walking outside with out a shirt on when I was rushing out the door for work. It’s not the first time this has happened, but I seem to get closer and closer to giving the neighbors a show.

    When getting dressed the other day, I put on Bella’s socks. She’s 8. I’ve always known I had small feet, but now I’m thinking they are freakishly small. I didn’t realize they were her socks until I had been wearing them all day. They fit nice.

    Oh, I forgot to eat several times for entire days then wondered why I was starving by lunch the next day.

    Are you shying away from protein and/or fat? I get bad carb crashes, so I stopped eating them. I feel tons better. No low blood sugar grumpies or shaking anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Writing up a thirteen-year-old girl in fourth hour for drawing a reasonably realistic erect penis on a carefully-folded piece of paper and deepthroating it in front of several other kids in that room”

    God, I love kids! Sorry to hear things were crap. Hope they get better.



  3. Pingback: Posts I loved this week | Taylor Grace

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