Transforming into a Greasy Lump: Progress Report

4507847940_4fe3b00225_mSo far, so good, actually.  I think I’ve hit upon a summer schedule, at least for the days when I don’t have the boy around:

  • 6:15 AM: Wake up.
  • 7:30 AM: Be dressed, showered & have boy to day care.
  • 8:30 AM: Breakfast eaten, morning BS procrastination completed.
  • 8:30 AM-12:00 PM:  Morning writing session.  Goal is 2K words on novel; extra time can be used for other writing projects, including blog posts.  (Realistically, a blog post will probably be first, but this is the schedule.)
  • 12:00 PM:  Lunch.
  • 12:30 PM-4:00 PM: Miscellaneous errand-running/reading/cleaning/SOCCER/lazing about time; possibly other projects (SEE: Bathroom, comic books)
  • 4:00 PM:  Wife returns home with boy; rest of evening spent with family.

I pulled this off once; I can do it four times a week for the next eight weeks… right?


6 thoughts on “Transforming into a Greasy Lump: Progress Report

  1. I like the plan other than the early starting hour. And the giving of only a half-hour for lunch; that’s hardly enough time to make enough progress on whatever I’m reading.


    1. There’s really no way for us not to– even if I didn’t have the responsibility of the novel, my work schedule at Otherjob is frequently difficult to predict in advance when I’m actually working a lot of hours. He’d be in day care at least a few days a week no matter what.


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