Taking the night off

Breaking in yet another Arabic app, reading, and video games tonight. No thinky.

How’s your weekend going?


… nah, I got nothing. I’ve planned out lessons for tomorrow and Tuesday and I think that’s all I can manage right now. No brain; only PS5. And book.


It was a crazily busy weekend, at least by my current middle-aged standards; one of my oldest friends was in town with two of her kids all weekend because her son had a travel hockey tournament in town, and there was an all-day thing at my son’s school yesterday that both he and my wife got roped into, and all three of us spent the whole weekend peopling and pretending we are social human beings and so all everyone did today was lie around the house and moan. I took a nap and my son is taking one now; I cannot confirm that my wife took a nap too but who knows. I have my lesson plans done for tomorrow and I have done my various Things That Must Be Done Every Day, or at least I will have as soon as I finish this post, so it’s video games until bedtime for me as soon as I hit Publish.

A quick note before I do that: the sequel to Dan Ford’s The Warden came out last week. It’s called Necrobane, and I read it this week, and I haven’t reviewed it yet because a lot of my feelings about the book are tied up in spoilers and I’m not sure how to write a good spoiler-free review of it. The short version is that I like it a hell of a lot but it didn’t go in any direction that I thought it was going to go, and it’s going to be real real interesting to see what happens with Book 3.

… which I guess is a spoiler-free review, but it’s only a paragraph, and I feel like the book deserves a little more of that.

Tomorrow, I swear

Been sitting on the couch reading and the time got away from me. Any big plans this weekend?

Welcome back to the ‘90s

I have spent most of the weekend watching college basketball, somehow, and my brother’s family was in town today, and I swear if you had asked me what time it was before I looked outside and realized it was dark I probably would have been off by at least three hours.

Lots to do tomorrow, on my last day of Spring Break. Hopefully I can get through Sunday without losing my shit too hard.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

I don’t know how many of you that headline will immediately trigger an auditory memory, but for those of you who are inexplicably thinking about big trucks, you’re welcome.

Anyway, I finished a book today and I am, wonder of wonders, two whole days ahead on lesson planning, and it’s only 7:00. That makes today the most productive Sunday in like a thousand years. What should I do with the rest of my time? Clean something? I should clean something.

Probably just going to play Prince of Persia, though. At least for a bit. There’s one more Red Rising book to finish and then I get to wait for the next one in 2025. Surely I’ll have the unread shelf cleared by then, right?

One day

One day, I will write a coherent and interesting blog post. I was hoping that day would be today, after several days of bleh.

But after driving home from Chicago and spending … what, two? let’s go with two– hours grading, all I want to do is dissolve into a puddle in front of my PS5 right now.

We did go to the Lego store on the way home from Cary and I managed to get out of there without demolishing my bank account, so that’s good. It’s a really neat store. I mean, you can already kinda imagine what’s in there, but still. If I buy much more Lego I’m going to have to invest in a storage and display solution of some sort and that’s not happening, Goddammit, so we aren’t buying any more expensive sets for a while.

(Thank God they didn’t have the huge Star Destroyer set in stock, so I didn’t have to decide not to buy it. I think it’s discontinued by now.)

While I’m kvetching: does anyone think this is legit?

Never mind me

I’m Sundaying hard today– there’s lots to do, but it’s not getting done as efficiently as it should be because I’m too busy stressing about the fact that I have to go back to work tomorrow. I have a four-day weekend and a Wednesday out-of-building training in October, so I’m trying my damnedest to get through September without deliberately taking a day off after missing a couple in August. That said, I’m really jonesing for a mental health day right now. My student observer starts this week, so I need the kids focused and ready when he comes in; no days off for me this week unless something really stupid happens.

Now if I could just accomplish something. I have, like, a whole list right here, and my wife’s already been out to accomplish shit and been back again, so I have some catching up to do. I guess I’ll cross “write a blog post” off the list and go vacuum something.