Random question for the olds

4899194035_30ee19703f_oI’m guessing you’d need to be at least 30-35 for your answer to this question to matter to me– old enough that you spent your life on analog/wired phones, and that you bought *yourself* your first cell phone.  Two questions:

1) Do you actually remember getting your first cell phone?  Like, was it an Event?  Can you describe the phone, or nail down what year it was that you bought it?

2) Can you remember sending or receiving your first text message?  (Preferably, for the purposes of this question, these two events did not occur on the same day– in other words, you had a cell phone before text messages were a Thing.)

Just curious.  And, for the record, I’m just as interested in the “no” answers as the “Yes, this is when it was” answers, so if you don’t remember one of the two, let me know.  Thanks.

Blogwankery, etc.

photo-2First things first:  These text messages?  Just happened.  To me.  And that’s how I reacted.  Like a goddamn adult with a soul.  I want karma points, universe.

Second thing second:  My Fitbit just emailed me (it does that) to congratulate me on climbing ten flights of stairs today.  It helpfully added that that was a hundred feet up.

Actual number of stairs climbed:  0.  I did, however, mow the lawn– which gets me wondering about what it’s actually doing when it “counts stairs.”

Third thing third:  I should apparently write about my grandmother more often, because today set records in 1) Likes on posts, 2) Follows (twenty, which means that the number of followers this blog has increased by 10% in a single day) 3) visitors and 4) overall page views.  I’m fully aware that this all means exactly nothing but I have to confess that I’m a tiny bit disappointed that I didn’t also set a record in number of countries I had page views from, which is another metric I enjoy wasting time paying attention to.
