Betsy DeVos is a fucking worthless hack and so is her scumbag boss

bagofdicks.jpgNote: the title to this post very nearly contained a Certain Word that I genuinely try to avoid using under any circumstances, and no, it isn’t the orange shitgibbon’s actual name.  Having thus demonstrated restraint by using “hack” instead, do not expect me to do any further holding back.

Motherfuckers, let me be perfectly clear on something here: the next person to try and pull some sort of mealy-mouthed, fuckwitted “Republicans and Democrats are the same” horseshit where I can see them is going to get my hand rammed up their ass so that I can use them as a human puppet for a while and force them to say things that make sense.  Because I dare you– I double dare you– I double dog dare you, motherfucker,  to find one fucking nominee by a Democrat to a Cabinet post at any fucking point in my lifetime who was even remotely as fucking unqualified for their jobs as any single one of the shitbirds Lord Dampnut has thrown up.  It’s fucking unbelievable; the qualification for any Cabinet post appears to be “does this person completely oppose the mission of the department they’re being nominated to head?”

Find one fucking time– one fucking time in the last forty years— where the Democrats nominated anyone as unqualified as fucking Betsy DeVos.  I’m serious.  If there is one, and I don’t think there is, I want to know about it.  I mean, let’s be real, here: this motherfucker had a chance to nominate Ben Carson to something, right?  Ben Carson’s a fucking surgeon, and by all accounts is actually good at that.  Like, legitimately.  So… maybe Surgeon General?  Health and Human Services?

Nah.  He’s, like, black n’ shit, so put the motherfucker in charge of HUD.  I mean, he’s completely fucking unqualified, but what-fucking-ever.  Let’s find someone who doesn’t believe in global warming to head the EPA.  In every single fucking instance— other than the fucking military, of course– the person nominated to head the department has been explicitly against what the fuck their department is supposed to be for.

Find me a fucking time where the Democrats named a fucking hippie for SecDef.  Go ahead, look.  You won’t find one.  Because the Democrats, despite their frequent lack of basic fucking competence, actually give a shit about having a fucking functional goddamned government.  The Republican plan is to loot the citizenry for every single fucking dime they can and “prove” that government doesn’t work by being utterly fucking incompetent at governing every chance they get.  It’s explicit.  It’s obvious.  It’s been going on for fucking decades.

Fuck this.  Fuck them. Fuck everyone who fucking voted for them, too.

On emotional whiplash

scrooge-mcduckSo.  Went to see this school.  Long story short:  it’s amazing.  Amazing.  And then we sat down with the director of admissions and the principal, who had led our tour, and I brought up the tuition issue.

Now, I was already aware of what their tuition was going to be for my son.  It’s… we’ll say considerable.  It regularly elicits a low whistle or a raised eyebrow from people when I tell them the number.  But the thing is, quality day care is amazingly expensive, and we’re already spending something like 90% of the cost of tuition at this place on day care, so the move from one to the other is not actually that extreme over the long run.

The problem is that I was expecting a move from $X to <$X when we moved beyond the preschool years, because preschool classes 1) are resource-intensive, 2) are tiny, and 3) contain two adults as opposed to one.  I was thus startled to hear that rather than going from $X to <$X, tuition beyond the first year is more like $1.8X.

X was already ludicrous.  $1.8X provoked open laughter from several people today.  We do not make remotely enough money to pay $1.8X.  That’s Scalzi money.  But goddamn, this is probably the best school I’ve ever set foot in, and they offer a fairly robust financial aid package, and the principal looked me in the eye and told me flat-out that they do whatever they can to keep their families once they get them.  And honestly?  Even if the boy’s only there for the first year and then we can’t get it together for the second, we’ve still got that first year.  Honestly, the ECE classrooms impressed me more than the rest of the building did.

So we’re gonna see what we can do.  Meanwhile, buy a book, goddammit, and if anybody out there is interested in optioning me for film or TV the rights will come cheap.

And then I went to my school, where this afternoon’s activities involved finding out that a student at another middle school had committed suicide last night and left a note behind that blamed some of our students for the bullying that led to her suicide.  Also, unrelated, I collected two bullets from one of our 8th grade classrooms.

Did I mention the other school offered me a job?  Yeah, that happened too.  And I had to turn it down because it wouldn’t pay me nearly enough to make my bills.

I’m kinda depressed right now.

In which it must be Saturday

sleepI have spent the day– part of it, anyway– researching local private schools, which has me deeply depressed for a variety of reasons.  I’m still sick and the book I started yesterday never really got any better and it’s cold and rainy and Man, fuck November already.  Normally fall is my favorite season; I’m not in the mood for some reason.

Also, I’ve still got to go to OtherJob tonight even though between the weather and the football game I’m not going to see anyone, and likely won’t even have an entertaining phone conversation with a jackass like I did yesterday.


Somebody, quick, get me excited about something.