I am too tired to brain

…which is sort of turning into a theme for Thursdays, I think. IN lieu of a post, please accept this picture of a kitten.

Once you see it

My absolute favorite thing about my cousin’s house is that they have figured out where they want all of their pictures but have not figured out what pictures they actually want to display yet, so things like this are all over the place.

Blue sky

I know I take a virtually identical picture a couple of days a year at least, but … man, the colors today.


I shut down both my Facebook and Instagram accounts a while back, because evil. I haven’t missed Facebook, but every so often I miss Instagram.

Anyway, have a photo.


I have had nothing to say for the last couple of days; not for any good reason, just one of those things.

By way of apology, please enjoy this picture of a cat.

Unread Shelf: January 31, 2020

I only bought, like, three books in January. That doesn’t happen very often.

Monthly Reads: December 2019

Book of the Month: CHILDREN OF RUIN, by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

RECAP: 2019 in photos