Monthly Reads: April 2024

On one hand, this picture is slightly misleading, because I’m only about 50 pages into The Will of the Many and it’s a doorstop. On the other hand, I also read Laura Samotin’s The Sins on Their Bones and it’s not in the picture because it’s an ebook. So we’ll call it even.

Book of the Month is me having a stroke because I have no idea what the Book of the Month should be. This was a great set of books.

Monthly Reads: March 2024

Book of the Month is Pierce Brown’s Dark Age, although I could probably just say “The second Red Rising trilogy” and be done with it. Also, this is clearly an entire shelf of books all by itself and how the hell are there still so many unread books.

Monthly Reads: February 2024

This doesn’t look like much, by my standards, but I started a Sarah J. Maas book on January 31st that ate up the first week of February and I’m only about 70 pages from the end of The Sea Watch, so if a couple of things had shifted around the pile would look a lot bigger.

Book of the Month is a three-way tie between Against the Loveless World, Light from Uncommon Stars and Morning Star, because it’s my blog and I can do that.

Monthly Reads: January 2024

Book of the Month is going to be King: A Life, with Bookshelves & Bonedust coming up right behind. I am only 150 pages into the 900-page House of Flame and Shadow, and am still considering abandoning it in favor of a full series reread, as so far my recall isn’t quite what I’d like. We’ll see.

Monthly Reads: December 2023

Obviously, Book of the Month is Moniquill Blackgoose’s To Shape a Dragon’s Breath.

Monthly Reads: December 2023

Book of the Month is Robert M. Sapolsky’s Determined.

Monthly Reads: October 2023

Book of the Month is Chuck Wendig’s Black River Orchard, although Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Empire in Black and Gold (Book 1 of 10!) and Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson’s Shadow of the Short Days were both stellar as well.

Monthly Reads: September 2023

Book of the Month is Richard Lloyd Parry’s Ghosts of the Tsunami.