Terrible pictures of beautiful pictures

The Leeper Park Art Fair was this weekend, and I’ve been waiting a literal year to go buy something printed on metal from Josh Merrill, and we went and did that this morning. And, damn it, this looks gorgeous in person, and I was excited enough about it that I got it hung the same day we bought it, which qualifies as a minor miracle. So naturally now, because I’m a schmuck, looking at my picture of it all I can see is that damn smoke alarm and that it looks too small over the couch.

In person, not the case. That’s a 20″ x 40″ print, and in person it doesn’t look that small. Also, and in general, prints on metal don’t seem to photograph well; the colors glow in a way that I find completely entrancing in person, and I love this piece. That said, instead of fighting with glare and such to take another picture from my phone, here’s the piece, entitled “New Day,” taken from his website:

In case you didn’t click on the link, that picture is taken inside of an ice cave somewhere in northern Minnesota and it was seventeen below zero outside at the time. Josh is a lunatic, y’all.

Give this man your money

Just another quick one today, but the link will be worth checking out. The Leeper Park Art Fair takes place in South Bend today or tomorrow, and one of the exhibitors is Josh Merrill, who was there last year as well, and who we specifically went looking for this year. He is a photographer and he does regular prints just like everyone else (we picked up a print of his “The Introvert” piece, if you go looking at the site) but what caught our attention is that he also does prints on metal.

I cannot properly represent to you how amazing this man’s work looks when printed on metal. The colors absolutely glow in a way that no .jpg on a website is going to show correctly. What I need you to understand is that most of his framed metal prints were going from around $1700-$2300 at the show, and he was selling them at that price, and I was doing my level damnedest to convince my wife to pick something up. I’m serious. I’d have dropped two grand on this guy’s work in a heartbeat, and I wouldn’t have felt bad about it at all afterwards. And now that I know that he sells his work straight from his website, I’m going to pick something and start legit setting money aside every paycheck for it.

His shop is here, and you need to take a few minutes and look around.