Okay so far so good

Today was not a bad day by any measure, and a few revisions in my rosters led to two classes becoming substantially easier and one becoming slightly– manageably, I think– more difficult. You could tell that it was the first day back from break– I’ve never had more kids fall asleep or try to fall asleep in class than I did today, and by the end of the day I just stopped worrying about it. Yeah, it’s fucking stupid that you went to bed at 4:00 in the morning and only got two hours of sleep, but none of these kids live in my house and I can’t control their sleep schedules and I know they’ll be back to normal by the end of the week.

Which, granted, still means some of them are going to try and sleep through class every day, but not remotely as many. I’ll take “back to baseline” without complaint, I think.

Meanwhile, speaking of sleep schedules, it is 7:20, I am dead tired, I am anticipating a two-hour delay tomorrow (they won’t cancel, but the worst of the weather will be between 1 and 7 AM, which is never a good sign) and I will be in bed by 9:00 tonight or die trying.

How was your Monday?

Face 47.0

God, it’s even worse at high resolution: my head is dented, y’all. Look at that shit!

Anyway, the thought shave off your mustache has been floating through my head for so long and at such high volume that it damn near qualifies as a clinically intrusive thought at this point and this morning I lost the battle. Fuck it, even if I hate it it’ll grow back in two weeks anyway, and it’s summertime, and I’ll just make a joke about it and tell everyone to call me Amos for a while, right?

Except I think I like it. I like it a little more with some stubble, and I might let it come back to, like, a one on my clippers, but I was expecting to immediately regret my mistake and spend the next two weeks hiding from society. Which, hell, I was gonna do that anyway, so whatever– but now every time somebody sees me they’re suggesting a different bright color I should dye it. The boy is partial to magenta; others have suggested pink; I’m thinking green or blue.

What say you, Internet? How else shall I humiliate myself before school starts?

(Oh, and my class lists came out today, and there are currently thirty-four kids in my honors Algebra class, and … I’m ’bout to have two Algebra classes again, because that’s not gonna work, so I’m looking forward to starting a fight about it.)


There are seven differences between this picture and “Before“! Can you find them all?

Almost there

No pictures yet, because I still have a jangle and a tangle of cords and mess all over everything, and I think at least one piece of wall art still needs to be moved, but I think it’s fair to say that 80% of the work I alluded to in the “Before” post a couple of days ago is done. What’s left isn’t difficult so much as annoying, and I also need to get an adapter that I hadn’t counted on to make something new work.

Yes, I’m being cagey. No, I don’t care. I have to have my fun somehow, Goddammit, and pretending you guys are chewing your nails wondering what I could possibly be doing in my office is what I do for fun.

In the meantime, I am sweaty and tired, and my office is a mess, and I have far too much to do tomorrow. Whee!


I have a Project ahead of me this weekend. I have taken tomorrow off for several reasons, chief among which is that Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty comes out tonight at midnight. But also because there’s a Big Goddamn Job coming and I’m only looking forward to it a little.

More to come, of course.

Throw away the whole bucket list

We went to the county 4-H Fair today, and for the first time in my life I tried deep-fried Oreos.

I think that it’s probably okay if I die now. Not because they were, like, delicious or anything, but because I have been suffering for the last few hours and I think it’s best if I am never in circumstances where I might put one of those things into my body again.

“Still alive” counts as a circumstance, I think.

Also, I rode a ride with my son, a ride that turned out to have an extra chest belt that I didn’t notice, and when I pointed out to the guy running the ride that there was no universe where the thing was going to fit me, he shrugged and said “You OK?” and then walked away.

I didn’t fall out of the ride, so I guess I was OK, but … is this how we do things now?

On learning, and how I will never

The events of the last, oh, twenty-eight hours or so:

  • Had Taco Bell for dinner
  • Couldn’t sleep for shit last night
  • Woke up and immediately puked
  • Took the boy to school
  • Came home and slept until 2:30 PM
  • Picked the boy up from school
  • Recorded, unshowered and still kinda queasy, a couple of episodes of Pokémon Sword with said boy
  • Started this blog post

I have to learn to not eat shit. Eating shit is bad! Like, predictably! I know this! And it’s not like it’s good enough to compensate for missing work because of vomiting and nausea! Come the fuck on, man, be an adult!



Tomorrow I drive down to Louisville.

I’m at ConGlomeration Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Next week, all week, is state standardized testing at work and it’s going to be a madhouse.

Next Friday, Avengers: Endgame comes out.

The following Saturday and Sunday I’ll be at LaffyCon in Lafayette.

My goal for the next eleven days is to not die.

Let’s do this.