I’m reading books tonight

I have a hundred pages left in Book 8 of Shadows of the Apt, and I want that series done and dusted by the end of next week. Two more to go after this one. So.

What are you reading?

3 thoughts on “I’m reading books tonight

  1. I recently finished Trinity Six by Charles Cumming — novel with the premise that there was a sixth member of the Cambridge Five spy ring — and haven’t settled on what to read next. I have been more occupied with knitting socks.

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      1. Not that you don’t have the resources to do your own search, but Cambridge Five is the name given to a group of men who passed a LOT of secret information to the Soviet Union during World War II and the cold war. A couple of them worked for British Intelligence. Three of them defected to the Soviet Union when discovered. None were ever prosecuted for spying. As in so many cases, the scandal was more about the cover up by the British government than the crimes.

        Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by John Le Carre is based on the story.

        Trinity Six was entertaining. A history professor starts researching the identity of a sixth member of the Cambridge Five. Unsurprisingly, the British government isn’t keen on him discovering this information. As luck would have it, the Russians are doing their own corresponding clean up operation. Our hero is caught in the middle, in over his head, and determined to learn the facts.

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