Holy crap (thank you)

100000-dollar-billOne hundred thousand page views.

This blog was started seventeen months ago– June of 2013.  My last blog took five years to get to six figures.  This one has been… rather more successful.  I recognize that in comparison with any of the big boys, it’s not much– Scalzi gets this much traffic in a week at most— but I’m stunned and elated that my stupid little blog has done this well.  And I’m at this exact second six followers away from making this a double-milestone day and hitting 2000 followers on Twitter, too.  If you’re not following me over there yet and you have a Twitter account, what are you waiting for?  I’m hilarious.

I want to take a second and genuinely thank everyone who has read, commented, shared, reblogged, argued, liked, or even just glanced at a post over here at some point in the past seventeen months, and especially to those of you who have been around a lot, and who have helped to tie this place into the community of independent writers that already existed on WordPress.  In particular, I’d like to thank Taylor Grace, Gene’O Gordon, and Winter Bayne, all three of whom have been around practically since the beginning of the blog and whose contributions and commentary I value way more than I think they realize. You guys are awesome.   (So are the rest of you.)

Now if only the book sales would do as well as the blog has.  🙂

Oh boy


Hey, remember this?

You may recall a certain kvetch about teacher pay from back in August, where I bemoaned the ability of a licensed teacher to make as much as a fast-food manager.  Well, we went to Taco Bell for dinner last night, for the first time in a while, and guess what?  They’re still hiring, and I wasn’t lying:


At least I know where to go if I want something competitive with my current salary.