In which post titles are really hard sometimes

My wife and son both had Friday off so I took it off as well, and the three of us have mostly lazed around all weekend, which is not something I’m going to complain about.  We went to the zoo on Friday– and I strongly recommend going to the zoo on a Friday afternoon when a rainy morning and a weekday means that not many other people are out and about.

Which is fine.  Because for the most part the world spent all last week going to hell– even beyond the obvious stuff in Washington, which I just don’t have the fucking energy to even talk about.  Wednesday night, one of my co-workers at the furniture store died.  He was in Indianapolis for his cousin’s funeral, which was enough of a shitshow to begin with, staying at his sister’s.  He went to sleep and didn’t wake up the next morning.  He was thirty-one fucking years old, and I doubt the cousin whose funeral he was in town for was much older.

Nobody is supposed to die in their fucking sleep at 31.

His roommate also works at the store.  He told me the other night that the last thing Griff said to him was that at least his grandmother, who passed away all of a couple of months ago, wasn’t alive to have to attend the funeral of one of her grandkids.  And now she’d have to go to two.

I can’t pretend we were super close.  We were co-workers.  I liked the guy quite a bit.  But his funeral is tomorrow in Evansville and I’m not going, because I already have to be in Indianapolis for a conference from Wednesday through Friday and the con on Saturday and I just can’t squeeze in a ten-hour round trip drive today and tomorrow.  But it’s got me fucked up anyway.

This post wasn’t supposed to be about Griffin.  I meant to talk about video games a bit; I’m still trying to beat Dark Souls 2 (getting closer, especially if I decide it’s okay to ignore the DLC) and I haven’t played Spider-Man in like three weeks because I got abruptly tired of it like a day after my initial impressions post.  The combat consistently annoys me and I’m not convinced it’ll get better.  I’ll probably bring the PS4 with me to Indianapolis, though, so I’ll have time to play when I’m not at the conference.

I dunno.  I got too much fucking serious in the world right now.  For right now gabbling about video games is where my head’s at.  At least I thought it was.

3 thoughts on “In which post titles are really hard sometimes

  1. Oftentimes, I start a post and then the words just take over and I write something totally different. I think that’s true of all of us who tend to write from the heart. I’m sorry your heart is heavy right now. As you said, no one should die in their sleep at 30.


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