Benevolence Archives review–it’s free this weekend!


Jedi by Knight


“What if Star Wars had been about Han and Chewie instead of Luke?”

This is the idea behind The Benevolence Archives, a collection of six short stories by Luther M. Siler–I found BA through his blog Infinitefreetime, which is a riot and a half.  I enjoy his blog so much, I figured I’d give his actual writing a shot, and I must say I did not regret it.

This collection is available for Kindle from Amazon, and you can get it for free this weekend!

The BA stories follow a team of spacers for hire: half-ogre Grond, whose murky backstory involves time spent in a brutal gladiator arena, and gnome Brazel, whose wife Rhundi acts as the team’s legit front and sometimes fence.  These two have really fun chemistry; throw in a couple interesting side characters and a snarky ship and you have a really enjoyable cast.

You could…

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4 thoughts on “Benevolence Archives review–it’s free this weekend!

    1. So far, no. This will be an interesting experiment because it’s a multi-day promotion and I actually tossed Facebook a few bucks (just $15) for some promotion. We’ll see.


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