Creepy Children’s Programming Review: Super Why

super-whyYou may consider this Part Three if you like; there are other reviews of children’s shows here and here.

Super Why, with the possible exception of Harry the Bunny, is my least favorite show the boy has ever liked.  I hate it.  I hate its theme song.  I hate its smarmy-ass punk main character.  I hate its premise.  I hate its messages.  I hate the fact that a show about spelling and words has a main character whose name is “Whyatt,” which is misspelled.  And, incidentally, I won’t be spelling his name that way at any other point in this review.  Because it’s stupid.

Everything about this show is confused and screwed up.  The story starts in an actual, real-world library, right, with actual people wandering around and looking at books.  Then Wyatt pops out from between some books.  He’s, like, three inches tall.  He beckons you back between the books and go into his world.  I don’t know why he has to have his own world or a portal to the real world, but whatever.  Then he wanders around until something happens.

Important detail: Wyatt is a huge goddamn drama queen.  It doesn’t matter how simple or solvable the thing that happens is.  Wyatt’s got a damn rock in his shoe.  There’s a leaf in the road.  It’s slightly warmer outside than he would like it to be.  Wyatt will pronounce this “a SUPER BIG PROBLEM!” and command a meeting of the Super Readers to solve the problem.  You, the viewer, have already figured out that he needs to shake the rock out of his shoe, or walk around the leaf, or take his fucking sweater off, but no, Wyatt’s gotta be the center of goddamn attention and make a huge production out of everydamnthing.  And he’s seriously a dumb sonofabitch, too.  One episode was about how a character was angry and somebody didn’t know why.  The answer (SPOILER ALERT!) was, honest to god, after dragging all his friends all over the goddamn place, that they should ask him.

hate him.

Anyway, yeah, he and his dipshit friends have to solve the SUPER BIG PROBLEM! using their “powers.”  Right, he has three friends who I didn’t mention: there’s a pig, and I’m not sure why there’s a pig, because there are no other talking animals in the show.  But there’s a pig.  There’s a girl who is frighteningly obsessed with vegetables.  And the slutty one.  They all suck.  Wyatt makes them all go to the “book club” so that they can use the SUPER DUPER… COMPUTER! to solve their problems.  See that ellipsis?  There’s a dramatic pause before every use of the word “computer” on the show.  It happens about fifteen times an episode.  So they have to transform into superheroes and use “alphabet power” and “word power” and “letter power,” maybe, I dunno, they really seem to overlap, and then there’s you, and you have the “power to help,” which doesn’t fit thematically with the rest at all.

Here is how they transform: they wear different clothes.  The pig is still a pig.

Anyway, the vegetable-obsessed one uses her magic (there’s magic, too) to choose a book, and then the three-inch library people jump into the book, so that they can find “super letters,” and the “super letters” get fed into the SUPER DUPER… COMPUTER! and then they get their clue, once the computer unscrambles the letters?  And this show was designed by a meth-head, right?  Because none of this shit works at all as a unified concept.

But, right, once they’re inside the book (they fly into the book, using flying rockets, that appear nowhere else in the show, because sure they do) they have to solve a problem for the characters in the book while they’re looking for their super letters, so there’s those problems to deal with, and those problems are usually stupid too.  The slutty one sings a rhyme song, the pig builds things with letters (?) and I can never remember what the vegetable one does.

Then the seriously shitty part happens.  Wyatt has the power to read, right?  Because that’s a “power,” not something that everyone should be able to do, which is kinda fucked up in its own right.  Wyatt solves problems by changing the words in the book.  So if Little Red Riding Hood is eaten by the big bad wolf, he just uses his magic word-changing power to change the word “eaten” to “tenderly made love to,” but only after checking first that, like, “rinsed” doesn’t make sense, which it never does.  Then Little Red Riding Hood’s story is changed and she’s happy and they find the last Super Letters and they pop back out into the real world– except it’s not the real world, it’s three-inch library-weirdo world, which you can get to from the real world.

This is where the door from “Balremesh” really went to, by the way.

But that’s fucked up, right?  And they usually use real fairy tales, which they fuck all up anyway in the retelling, and then this dude literally uses the power of censorship to rewrite the parts of other people’s stories that aren’t convenient to him so that his SUPER DUPER… COMPUTER! can spell out TURN YOUR SHOE OVER, DUMBASS and he can spill his rock onto the ground and go about his day without inconveniencing his friends any further.  Then there’s a godawful song about how the Super Readers saved the day, only they didn’t, because there was never really a problem in the first place, because Wyatt is a drama queen and did I mention I hate him?

Because, seriously, I hate him.

18 thoughts on “Creepy Children’s Programming Review: Super Why

  1. I love this post so much! My three year old LOVES SuperWHY. I even had to plan a SuperWHY birthday party last year. I have nothing to add to your very accurate review, except don’t even get me started on Alpha Pig. I will be sharing this EVERYWHERE!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. though, what if that was really the spelling of his name? the only time that your name is misspelled is if it’s different than the registered one… so what if his name was actually registered using that spelling?


  3. Hahahahaha! My daughter is OBSESSED with superWHY! It is sooooo creepy. She is perpetually claiming to have magical shoes that help her fly. Admittedly, her rhyming has improved dramatically (thanks to the slutty one).


  4. Pingback: CCPR update: Super Why |

  5. Pingback: Creepy Children’s Programming Reviews: CURIOUS GEORGE |

  6. Pingback: Posts of the Year: 2014 |

  7. Jose C.

    I loved this review, i found it because i can’t stand this show and i was googling for complaints, my toddler loves it, my biggest gripe is the pig…. Wtf? Couldn’t come up with another human being…. So let’s make a pig. No bueno, then there’s…. Caillou.


  8. i hate super why my brother always watches it it gets on my nerves and then the dance tney always do at the end of the show like w.t.f.


  9. its scary in one episode the “SUPER DUPER PROBLEM” was about the pig he thought he was different cuz hes a pig and the rest of the super readers are three inch paper mans. like get over it pig! you lived like that for 5 years and i know its bine 5 years cuz he acts like a 5 year old and im pretty shure the rest of the super readers are 5


  10. Pingback: Creepy Children’s Programming Reviews: BO ON THE GO |

  11. Pingback: Creepy Children’s Programming Review: SPECIAL AGENT OSO |

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